Have a Manifestation to Get Where You’re Going Faster
I want to live a different life than the one I have now. I think a lot of people do. I work at a fine job, but it’s not what I want to do forever. I live in a lovely city with decent weather and many friends, but it’s not where I want to live forever.
To put it more succinctly: I have a great life right now that I have worked hard to get — but I want more.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to succeed and live my dreams, as long as I remember where I came from and have gratitude and respect for that.
Over the years, I’ve had many ideas of what I thought I wanted my life to be. Those fleeting thoughts are gone now, and that’s ok. They weren’t meant to be.
This time and these goals are different. I have meditated and prayed, researched and explored, and now I have a plan.
But to get through the tough stuff, I need a manifestation.
Life can be tricky, and there will be twists and turns along the way. Having a manifestation is a way of keeping your eye on the prize. Occasionally, life gives you lemons. When that happens, your manifestation can keep you going to get you to that lemonade. It is the hope that one day, life will not be like this, but be how you want it to be.
I am writing about manifestation because I recently applied for and got a part-time remote job writing product descriptions for a marketing firm for about 20 hours a week, in addition to my full-time job at Canada Post. I have also started writing on Medium The marketing gig was my first paying remote-work job since I decided to pursue a remote career to travel more and eventually move to a new country. Now I am looking at adding more options, hence writing on Medium.
In other words, I made the first tangible steps towards my goal.
However, these weren’t my first steps; it just feels like it. My first step was something closer to having a manifestation. It was an idea that I had for myself and my life. Something that I wanted to pursue. A goal. I love travelling and the feeling of exploring new places, so I knew I wanted to have that aspect in my life somehow, but I didn’t know in what capacity.
Then I found my manifestation: Get a full-time remote job so I can have the option to travel and move to a new country.
Boiled down, this is what I wanted. Having more plans and goals along the way will allow me to achieve all the little things that come with this journey, but this is the mantra that I can easily remember in my day-to-day thoughts.
Goals and plans differ somewhat from manifestations. A goal or a plan and can be something you write in your journal and not remember a month from now, maybe like losing ten pounds or saving a thousand dollars.
A manifestation is a boiled down idea or goal right at the front of your brain at all times.
When you have a manifestation, you start looking at everything you do or buy concerning your purpose or plan.
Every dollar I spent was money I was not saving to move. If I wanted to buy something for the house, I had to remember that I will have to sell it when I move eventually. For every job that I thought of applying for, I had to decide if it was driving me towards my goal and was it in line with my manifestation of remote work.
Even my long term savings goals now reflect my manifestation of travelling and owning property in another country. I have to put more into my TFSA and less into my RRSP, and I have to invest in companies or ETF’s that will allow me to cash out in 2–4 years.
Meeting my goals and having manifestations come to fruition is a new feeling. It’s a great feeling. I am an addict in recovery, so I didn’t have many goals or any manifestations for a long time. At least not any meaningful ones.
My motto in addiction was literally ‘fuck it; I’ll figure it out when I get there.” Any success I had came by an accident that I fell into ass backwards. As a result, any success was ultimately a failure because I had no idea what to do with that success when I got it, so I lost it. I had no plan because I had no goals. I had no success because I had no plan.
Now, I work my program: I have a sponsor and a support group, write the steps and make personal and professional goals for which I am held accountable. My sponsor had me make a list of goals when we first met and wrote out what I wanted for my life. Those goals are my manifestations now.
My new motto is the complete opposite of my previous life’s motto. I went from “I’ll figure it out when I get there” to “think about it, I’ll figure it out now and work towards it!”
Imagine my surprise when I figured out that anything is possible for my life and I have some control over where I want to go and who I want to be?!?! Amazing!
I am a little bit closer to my manifestation with my first taste of remote work, but what about a few months ago or a few years ago? Very different story. I was in a ton of debt, and I didn’t know what skills I had or needed or how to get them. I didn’t know what job I wanted or how to get it. I didn’t even know if I would ever be out of debt!
I struggled to see a way out of the mess I had created for a long time, but my goals and manifestations never changed. Little by little, day by day, I paid off a little more, I wrote a little more, I educated myself a little more, I looked at job ads a little more, I researched a little more, I read a little more, and I applied at jobs a little more. I created little successes for myself.
You can implement these same principles in your life too.
The process is simple (simple is always better, in my opinion): Make a list of goals and create a big-picture manifestation for yourself. Then tell someone and have them hold you accountable, such as: ‘Hey, I thought you said you wanted to save some money and go travelling, how’s that going?’. That’s all you need to start. Half the battle is beginning.
When you have your manifestation and then find a little success, things start snowballing. Snowballing is how dreams are made and come true.
Successful people are successful because they accomplish the goals they set for themselves or go as far as humanly possible trying to achieve them. Do they fail along the way? Absolutely. If you haven’t seen Michael Jordan’s commercial about failure and success, go check it out on YouTube. Jordan talks about all the shots he has missed in his basketball career. Countless numbers of them. He says he has failed over and over and over again, but that is why he succeeds. He says this because even though he might miss some shots, Jordan is still accomplishing his ultimate goal and manifestation: To be the best basketball player possible so that he is the one chosen to take the game-winning shot.
As long as you put yourself in the position to succeed, it doesn’t matter how many times you fail because eventually, you will succeed. Then it snowballs. And snowballs.
Long story short, if you want to be someone (like a remote worker) or if you want to do something extraordinary (like go travelling or move somewhere else while still being able to make money), write it down somewhere. Get a journal. Tape it to your mirror. Get a vision board going.
Take some action by putting your visions at the front of your brain so your dream becomes your manifestation. Similar to the famous quote from Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come”; if you manifest it, it will happen.
We live in a world of instant gratification of almost everything, but we can’t always get the bigger things in life right away. The big things that make a massive difference in your happiness and quality of life take patience, persistence, and some hard work. But you can go at it a little at a time so you don’t overwhelm yourself and get discouraged.
Go for 1% better per day. Do a little bit of work towards your goal per day, and you can sleep happy. Then do it again tomorrow.
So start typing that resume. Start researching that school. Start making that website. Start building that portfolio. But before you start with all that, start with a goal. Start with something simple. Start with your motivation. Start with your why. Start with a manifestation.
Your dream life/job/person/house/anything is closer than you might think.
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